Friday, April 25, 2008

This little ditty is my favorite thing ever. i love you.
<---- I'm so cranky this morning, even after a second pot of coffee and a coffee cake muffin. Was out at gallery openings last night in Chelsea. Sort of a bust, besides the lovely company. There is just a lot of shitty art right now... I'm not in the business of mud slinging but there were some paintings we saw that combined imagery of breasts, scrotum, orchids, carnivorous plants, and oil slicks. Come on!

But how perfect and cosmic are these graphite drawings by Will Duty...

I'm better at knowing what I like than I used to be... but worse at making decisions. Stood in the vegetable isle for 15 min. today deciding what would be the perfect fruit for today, Friday, April 25th. What time would I eat the fruit? What would I be wearing? What did I want the fruit to say about me?

Grapes. And an avocado, which technically is a fruit. Two very different things which together might say...well what would they say?


Anonymous said...

I guess calling you this morning would NOT be a good idea. Maybe later in the day you'll call me.

Love the pansies. I have to get some for my front step flower pots!

marie said...

love the little bunch! so pretty!
hm i know what you mean about the art people not look at all the beautiful works created in the past, learn and be inspired? its almost as if they were trying too hard to be different, and it ends up a mess