Tuesday, September 23, 2008

2 beautiful things, gale don't be mad - I'm still a cat person.

Nea, our new dog came home with us on Sunday. It's a big adjustment for her (and us) but we're having so much fun. I walk a lot, but I've never walked so much as I have in the last 2 days. We clocked 3 miles before lunch. I'll have more pictures soon - hounds and flowers...the bouquet above is one of my recent favorites - majolika roses, dahlias, jasmine, eucalyptus, ranunculus, hydrangea, tweedia, and astilbe.


P said...

This is so exciting! I will live vicariously through your doggy pursuits.

Anonymous said...

you flowers make me drool. i love them.

your dog is cute too.

Anonymous said...

I heart the pup and the blooms - congrats on both!

Alice and Stuart said...

more pics of Nea!!!! (please)

Anonymous said...


don't worry, i'm not mad but seriously jealous because I've been wanting a dog forever. I can't wait to meet her. Aah! I'm in a state over the mixed emotions I'm feeling about ms. poops and nea!