up visiting my folks. about to have my first cup of coffee. woke up with this special quilt on my bed. mom, already working downstairs, will probably know i'm up if she reads this - in which case I say to her: "I'm taking my coffee by the fire, why don't you come up and join me."
sew beautiful!! happy snow, happy coffee, delightful fireside gatherings!!
Thank you, Sarah, for all your posts and for sharing your life and mad floral skillz with us...:)
Oh---and I really like your mom; she sounds cool.
i was JUST telling David how wonderful it was to wake up and have coffee by the fire at your folks' house. sounds like you had a nice morning... twas business as usual around here. womp womp.
great quilt
have a nice break!
hope that was an offer she couldn't refuse. love the quilt!
Here today it's veryy very cold!!!! it has snowed a bit also, and we are not accustomed!
lovely quilt! :))
What a lovely post! Hope your coffee break was heavenly.
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Love those old quilts. Just beautiful with the snow.
really pretty pictures - what a lovely quilt
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